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2nd copy of a true reflector Artifact appears deeper than true

Located beneath a structure with abnormally low attenuation (such as fluid-filled structures: bladder, gb, cysts)

appear equally spaced are located parallel to the sound beam’s main axis are located at ever-increasing depths

appear as a single long hyperechoic echo located parallel to sound beams’ main axis

artifacts degrade lateral resolution

Hypoechoic or anechoic region extending downward from a highly attenuating structure

2nd copy of the reflector Copy is side by side, or at the same depth as the true reflector

The sound beam refracts at the edge of a curved reflector resulting in a drop of intensity. The decrease in intensity causes the shadowing

When medium’s speed is slower than that in soft tissue

Hyperechoic side-to-side region (appears the same as the foreground color) Results from increased intensity at the focus