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Brother : Hey sis , can I ____________________ you a few questions ?
Sister : Of course , you ____________________ .
Brother : Ok first . Who is your best ____________________ ?
Sister : Oh that's ____________________ . My best ____________________ is Brittany .
Brother : Cool . What ____________________ she do ?
Sister : She ____________________ a dentist and she ____________________ at county ____________________ .
Brother : How ____________________ she ____________________ to her job ?
Sister : She ____________________ to work by ____________________ .
Brother : What time ____________________ she start ?
Sister : She ____________________ at 8 : 00 am .
Brother : Is she ____________________ right now ?
Sister : No , she isn't working right ____________________ because it is ____________________ .
Brother : Oh yeah . So what ____________________ she ____________________ at the moment ?
Sister : I think she ____________________ ____________________ at the pool .
Brother : That ____________________ like fun . Well , ok thanks .
Sister : You're welcome .