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Localisation of function refers to ____________________ ____________________ of the brain being responsible for different ____________________ , ____________________ or ____________________ , which means that when a specific area is ____________________ its function will be ____________________ . The brain is divided into two halves : the left and the right hemispheres , and generally the activity on the left hand - side of the body is controlled by the ____________________ ____________________ while the activity on the right hand - side by the ____________________ ____________________ . This division already splits brain function into two sides . The ____________________ ____________________ covering the hemispheres is also subdivided into the ____________________ lobe , the ____________________ lobe , the ____________________ lobe and the ____________________ lobe .

The motor area of the ____________________ lobe controls ____________________ ____________________ on the opposite side of the body , the ____________________ area on both ____________________ lobes processes sensory information from the skin . The visual area in the ____________________ lobe receives ____________________ ____________________ : each eye sends information from the right ____________________ ____________________ to the ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , and from the left ____________________ ____________________ to the right ____________________ ____________________ . The auditory area located on the ____________________ lobes analyses ____________________ - ____________________ information .

In most people language is controlled by the left hemisphere , and both the Broca's area and Wernicke's area contribute to its production . Broca's area in the ____________________ ____________________ lobe produces ____________________ and Wernicke's area in the ____________________ ____________________ lobe is responsible for ____________________ ____________________ . Damage to these areas may result in Broca's ____________________ characterised by ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , and Wernicke's ____________________ which causes difficulty in ____________________ ____________________ .

A strength of localisation of function is that it is ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ evidence . A brain scan study showed that Wernicke's area was active during a ____________________ task and Broca's area during a ____________________ task , suggesting that these areas have ____________________ functions . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ study on ____________________ showed that semantic and ____________________ memories are located in different parts of the ____________________ ____________________ . This is a strength because ____________________ ____________________ methods for measuring brain activity provide ____________________ ____________________ evidence of localisation of brain function .

Another strength is that localisation is supported by ____________________ evidence . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ reported on ____________________ OCD patients who had undergone a ____________________ . At post - surgical follow - up after ____________________ weeks a ____________________ had a successful response to surgery and ____________________ partial response . This is a strength because the ____________________ of procedures like this strongly suggests that symptoms and behaviours associated with serious mental disorders are ____________________ .

A further strength is that there is ____________________ ____________________ evidence for localisation . ____________________ ____________________ had a railroad accident in which a pole pierced his head taking most of his ____________________ ____________________ lobe with it . Gage survived and could lead a normal life but the damage to his brain changed his ____________________ - he had turned from someone who was ____________________ and ____________________ to someone who was ____________________ - ____________________ and ____________________ . This is a strength because the ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ following the accident suggests that the ____________________ ____________________ may be responsible for regulating ____________________ and is involved in ____________________ .

A weakness is that there is ____________________ ____________________ . ____________________ work suggests that higher cognitive functions like ____________________ are not localised but distributed in a more ____________________ way in the brain . He removed areas of the ____________________ in ____________________ that were learning a maze . No area was more important than any other area in terms of the rats' ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the maze . This is a weakness because it showed that learning requires ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ rather than a particular area which suggests that it is too ____________________ to be localised .

Another weakness is that the brain's ____________________ challenges localisation of function . When the brain is damaged by an illness of accident and a particular function is lost , the rest of the brain may ____________________ itself to ____________________ the lost function . There are several documented cases of ____________________ victims ____________________ abilities that they lost because of illness . This is a weakness because the ____________________ of the brain shows that the brain can ____________________ ____________________ the location of function if damage occurs which suggests that localisation is not ____________________ to specific areas - the brain is working as a ____________________ ____________________ .