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Jouer Compléter
Be stunned and amazed , blind ____________________ and be ____________________ ; be ____________________ , ____________________ not from wine , ____________________ , but not from beer . ____________________ ____________________ has ____________________ over you a deep sleep : He has sealed your eyes ( the ____________________ ) ; ____________________ has covered your ____________________ ( the ____________________ ) . For ____________________ this whole ____________________ is nothing ____________________ words ____________________ in a scroll . ____________________ if you give the ____________________ to someone who can read , and ____________________ , ? Read this , please , ? they will answer , ? I can't ; it ____________________ sealed . ? Or if ____________________ give the scroll to ____________________ who ____________________ read , and say , ? Read this , ____________________ , ? they will answer , ? I don't know how to read . ? The Lord says : ? These people come near to me with ____________________ mouth and honor me with their ____________________ , but their ____________________ are far ____________________ me . Their worship of me ____________________ ____________________ on ____________________ ____________________ rules ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .