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Language comes so naturally to us that it is easy to forget what a strange and miraculous gift it is .
All over the world members of our ____________________ fashion their breath into hisses and hums and squeaks
and pops and listen to others do the ____________________ . We do this , of course , not only because we like the
sounds but because details of the sounds contain information about the ____________________ of the person
making them . We , humans , are fitted with a means of ____________________ our ideas , in all their unfathomable
vastness . When we listen to speech , we can be led to think thoughts that have never been thought
before and that never would have ____________________ to us on our own . Behold , the bush burned with fire , and
the bush was not consumed . Man is born free , and everywhere he is in chains . Emma Woodhouse ,
handsome , clever , and rich , with a comfortable home and happy disposition , seemed to unite some
of the best blessings of existence . Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared . I have
found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as King
without the help and support of the woman I love .