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The equine round worm is known as ____________________ ____________________ .
Zoonotic ? ____________________
The lifecycle is ____________________ .
Its prepatent period is ____________________ - ____________________ ____________________
It infects ____________________ .
It is transmitted ____________________ - ____________________
It resides in the ____________________ ____________________
Its lifecycle is as follows .
1 ) ____________________ are deposited in the feces
2 ) eggs are ____________________ by a new host
3 ) eggs hatch and larvae ____________________ to ____________________
4 ) larvae are ____________________ and ____________________
5 ) mature in ____________________ ____________________ and shed eggs in feces
Symptoms include ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ - beely , ____________________ , ____________________ , and ____________________ discharge .
It is treated with ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ , and ____________________