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I am a government official in Des Moines, Iowa. I am concerned that immigrants in our state are struggling to join the election process. Because of a 2002 state law that requires all official governmental communication to be made in English, my department cannot provide registration forms or any other basic information about the election process in the first languages of our immigrant communities.

My landlord seemed happy for me when I was getting married, but when my African-American wife moved in, we suddenly were asked to leave. He says it is because our lease doesn't allow two people, but that wasn't a problem until he met my wife.

Last week, I gave birth to my first child while in a state prison. It was a very scary and painful experience. Though I was a first-time mother, I had been given very little information about birthing before I went into labor. During labor, my feet were shackled to the bed, limiting my ability to move and achieve a comfortable birthing position. No woman should have to give birth the way I did, regardless of her criminal record!

We have no health insurance because my paycheck barely covers rent and food. When my daughter had strep throat, I had no choice but to take her to the emergency room where they can’t turn her away, even if I can’t pay. It would be cheaper for taxpayers to support insuring all children than subsidizing emergency room visits.

I am a high school guidance counselor. I’ve heard my state has the worst counselor to student ratio in the country. My school is a typical example. My caseload includes nearly 800 students. It is impossible for me to meet the needs of all of my students.

I recently migrated to the U.S. to do agricultural work. I pick tomatoes for twelve hours a day with almost no breaks for rest, food, or going to the bathroom. This is very hard labor, especially on hot, humid days. Just last week, a young man fell ill from heat exhaustion while picking. This culture of exploitation must be one reason why farm workers are 3 times more likely than the general public to be injured while working.

I was born in Thailand and have been an American citizen for ten years. Eleven months ago, immigration officials put me in jail because I didn’t have my citizenship papers with me when I was pulled over for a minor traffic violation. It took 10 months and a skilled lawyer to get me out of jail. I was lucky because, unlike many detainees, I was able to afford legal representation. How can anyone be treated in this way?

I am a 3rd grader and I have been struggling in school. I feel hungry often and sometimes school is the only place where I get fed. I heard another adult tell my mom that children who experience severe hunger like me have higher levels of chronic illness, anxiety and depression, and behavior problems than children who don’t experience hunger.

Right to Equal Protection and Due Process.

Right to Safety and Security

Right to Political Participation.

Right to Food

Right to Health

Right to Just and Favorable Working Conditions.

Right to Housing.

Right to Education.