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Should you wash your poultry?

Can I put raw meats next to fresh veggies in the fridge?

What is the temperature that bacteria starts to grow on food?

Can meat get contaminated with e-coli after being cooked?

About how long should one wash their hands with soap and water to ensure they are clean?

Should butter be left out on the counter to defrost?

I washed my hands in the bathroom, do I need to wash my hands in the kitchen?

Can I cut my raw fruits and vegetables on the same cutting board that I cut raw meat?

You can tell bacteria is growing on food by the look, smell and taste?

Can I dethaw my frozen meat on the counter overnight?

Can fruits and vegetables be put in the same bin in the refrigerator?

Rub hands and under nails for at least 20 seconds.

40 °F and 140°F is when bacteria that causes food poisoning will grow rapidly.

No. A separate cutting board should be used for each food group as it will help prevent cross-contamination.

Raw meats can be next to other foods including vegetables in the fridge as long as it is in a secured container or tightly wrapped to prevent the raw juices from contaminating other foods

Yes. If it is handled improperly then it can get re-contaminated.

No. Frozen meat should be stored properly during the “big thaw” so it will prevent foodborne illnesses.

Not always, food poisoning from bacteria does not always affect look, smell, and taste of food.

Wash your hands often, especially during these key times when germs can spread: Before, during, and after preparing food.

No. Never wash poultry. Water from the chicken will splash and contaminate other areas.

Vegetables require higher humidity conditions while fruits require lower humidity conditions.

It's fine to leave unsalted butter out ,but if your planning to leave it out for a few hours it must be at room temperature for an extended period of time, make it salted.