Créer une activité
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1 . ____________________ is responsible for kitchen safety .
2 . A ____________________ knife is ____________________ dangerous than a ____________________ knife .
3 . A ____________________ should be ____________________ up ____________________ .
4 . ____________________ use an appliance with a ____________________ power ____________________ or ____________________ ____________________ .
5 . Carry a ____________________ ____________________ by your ____________________ if you must move around the kitchen with it .
6 . ____________________ should ____________________ be put on a ____________________ .
7 . A ____________________ contaminant like , ____________________ can result in both ____________________ and ____________________ contamination .
8 . The best way to prevent the spread of foodborne illness is to wash your ____________________ , ____________________ , and surfaces often .
9 . E . Coli is an example of a ____________________ ____________________ caused by bacteria .
10 . ____________________ is an excellent cleaner but must be used carefully to avoid ____________________ contamination .