Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
1 . - What ____________________ you do ____________________ you ____________________ the lottery , Nick ?
2 . - If I ____________________ gone to the party , I ____________________ have ____________________ more time to study .
3 . - ____________________ I ____________________ her , I ____________________ ____________________ you
4 . - ____________________ you ____________________ Argentinian , you ____________________ eat so much beef .
5 . - If I ____________________ left the country to study , I ____________________ have ____________________ Sonia .
6 . - I ____________________ ____________________ come to the party ____________________ I ____________________ ____________________ about it .
7 . - We ____________________ ____________________ been able to get in the house , If I ____________________ lost my keys
8 . - She ____________________ quit school ____________________ her parents agreed
9 . - Tom ____________________ have ____________________ us ____________________ he ____________________ known we ____________________ there .
10 . - I ____________________ ____________________ back , ____________________ I ____________________ you .