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Did your friends use to go to your house to sleepovers?

What types of movies would you watch when you were a teenager?

What books did you use to read?

What time did you use to wake up on weekends?

Did you use to sleep early when you were a teenager?

What games did you use to play with your friends?

What did you use to do after school?

What time would you get home every day after school?

When you were a kid, would you visit your grandparents every weekend?

Did you use to swim?

Yes, they did! We used to do it every semester.

I used to watch cartoons and drink hot chocolate.

Around half past nine in the morning.

Yes, they would wait for me with a delicious cake.

Hide and seek, tag, cordless phone, memory game.

Science fiction!

Yes, I would sleep right after dinner.

Never. I've always thought it was so dangerous.


Around 6 in the evening.