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- Hi , how can I help you ?
- Hello , I have a question : can I change my seat ?
- Let me check . Could you please give me your ____________________ and boarding ____________________ ?
- Sure . Here it is .
- Ok , I see your ____________________ 198 ____________________ at 19 : 55 , so I'm afraid I can't ____________________ your seat .
- Why ?
- Because ____________________ starts in 10 minutes and the plane is ____________________ ____________________ and every ____________________ has been assigned a seat .
- Oh , that's such a shame . But I just noticed that I have a window seat and I simply can't sit there .
- Would you prefer an ____________________ seat ?
- Yes , please !
- Hm , it looks like everything is taken .
- But the flight lasts 8 hours and I will get ____________________ ____________________ !
- Ok , maybe you could speak with your neighbor and ask to ____________________ seats ?
- Ok , thank you .