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All my friends are bilingual. They all speak two languages.

When I was little, none of my friends had pets.

My best friend and I had sleepovers every weekend when we were kids.

We moved to Rio de Janeiro when I was ten.

My cousin lived with us for a year -in 2003, I think.

I had black hair when I was born.

I was on a swimming team until I was 16.

My brother and I had a perfect childhood.

My favorite teacher in elementary school was Mrs. Santana.

Well, at least most of them didn't.

No, wait. I was nine.

Well, not perfect, actually. My dad lost his job.

Actually, no, I was 18 when I quit.

Well, actually, it was dark brown.

Actually, no, it was 2002.

Well, no, I guess I spent some weekends with my grandparents.

Well, not all of them. Josie speaks three languages.

No, wait... Her name was Mrs. Santos.