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I want to tell you about the power of reading through this letter . First of all , great readers make great writers , while great writers make great ( 1 ) ____________________ , and great communicators make great ( 2 ) ____________________ , and you know what great persuaders make ? They make good societies , and that's what this world needs .

I think that it's totally crazy that all anyone ever talks about is ( 3 ) ____________________ , TV shows , whatsapp , Instagram , Bitmoji , I don't even know what that is , my brother just told me about it . Wechat , Kiki , Siraha and I could go on forever . ( 4 ) ____________________ have shown that some kids these days even spend six and a half hours on a screen a day . I think we should draw attention to this ( 5 ) ____________________ . However , not reading can even result in make your brain less ( 6 ) ____________________ or engaged .

Just over the past year I've enjoyed reading Winnetou by Karl May , the Harry Potter series with eight books , Ruled all series with twelve books and the Unwanted series of seven books and many , many single books in between . Some I've liked less some I've liked more but they all took me for such an ( 7 ) ____________________ . Ask my family members I'm a truly ( 8 ) ____________________ child when I don't have a good book to read right next to me . I love reading in places like my bed , on the move while walking , in the toilet , in queues and vehicles but more importantly , ( 9 ) at ____________________ . I hide behind various corners of my house so nobody can find me and make me do anything else . Once I even hid behind a flowerpot and ( 10 ) ____________________ to be the flower , not moving at all . Nobody could find me for ages , it was hilarious . I read ( 11 ) ____________________ , so for all of you skeptical people out there let me tell you , when you have a good ( 12 ) ____________________ to keep you company , there is nothing better in the universe . It takes you to ( 13 ) ____________________ where you can't go and thus to meet people you can't meet .

Reading is love in action and the positives are endless like , I usually never have to study for ( 14 ) ____________________ tests , and it makes my ( 15 ) ____________________ so good that it easily impresses any grown up . Sometimes , the first thing I know is I've just had a short conversation with the grown up and the next thing I know is that there's a room full of adults talking about me . I can´t imagine my life without a book . What I'm comparing is the loss of the art of reading , writing , communicating and ( 16 ) ____________________ to some of the great societal ills of the text messages , the tweets and snap . While these wonders of modern technology have their place , we the young generation have to hold on to reading . It is the cue to our kingdom so go out there find a good book , not just any book , the best or the ones recommended by another kid and just go for it !