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Dr . Solis : Redford Clinic Good morning
Michael Tylor : Hello Dr ____________________ ? It's Michael ____________________
Dr . Solis : Hello ____________________ How are you ?
Michael : Not to ____________________ Dr . Solis , In ____________________ I'm calling to ____________________ about the service I ____________________ at your clinic
Dr . Solis : Oh ! please ____________________ me what ____________________
Michael : Well last week I had an ____________________ with Dr . Lee you know the other ____________________
Dr . Solis : Sure
Michael : and I told him i had a terrible ____________________ in one of my ____________________ so they check the ____________________ and said it was in perfect condition but ____________________ he was wrong because now i have an ____________________ and I can . . .

Mr Sánchez : come in ____________________
Mom : Mr Sánchez excuse me for ____________________ but this is important
Mr Sánchez : No problem , please ____________________ a sit , how can i help you ?
Mom : well i´m afraid one of your ____________________ is no doing ____________________ job propperly
Mr Sánchez : oh , wich one ? what did she do ?
Mom : it´s doctor Paula , Marchela can you ____________________ what happend to Mr . Sánchez
Marchela : yes , i´m alergic to ____________________ you see ? , if the doctor had read my medical history ____________________ she would have not mat , i ____________________ her and took the pills she gave me and then i had an alergic Reaction and had to go to ____________________ , it was a ____________________ . . . .