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First , ____________________ ____________________ are produced in two almond - shaped organs known as the ____________________ . During the process of ____________________ , a mature egg ( ____________________ ) is released and enters one of two ____________________ ____________________ . For a few days , the egg cell travels towards the pear - shaped ____________________ . The lining of this organ thickens in preparation for a fertilized egg . If the egg is not fertilized by the male ____________________ ____________________ , it will leave the body with the lining of the uterus and small amount of blood . This is called ____________________ . The lower portion of the uterus is called the ____________________ and is a common site of cancer in women . The female organ of intercourse is the ____________________ . A circular fold of skin is usually present at the entrance to this organ and is called the ____________________ . Outside of this organ are folds of skin covered with pubic hair known as the ____________________ . Between the skin folds is a small , round , sensitive area of skin called the ____________________ . The development of the reproductive system is triggered by the hormones ____________________ and ____________________ , which cause many physical changes in a girl . This period of change is called ____________________ .