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This device is used to control other devices - remote control

This program allows us to add images, sound and animations to make a presentation - Powerpoint

This device allows the user to hear sounds made by the computer, it is a output device - headphones

This device allows us to see what we are making, it outputs images - monitor

This device allows us to make a paper copy of our work, it outputs a hardcopy - printer

This software allows us to make charts and graphs using numbers - Excel

This device allows us to move the cursor and draw lines, it is a input device - mouse

This device allows us to input sound into a computer - microphone

This device allows the user to see, "move" and interact in a virtual world - Virtual Reality goggles

This is an example of how computers and devices connect to each other around the whole world - Internet

This software allows us to work with pictures - Paintshop Pro

A device to capture images and text from paper, it is a form of input - scanner

This software allows us to make documents and to enter words - Microsoft Word

This device allows us to input information like letters and numbers into a computer - Keyboard