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Frank woke up with spots all over his face, his arms and his back. The spots were red and itchy. Frank showed his mom the rash “it looks like you have the chickenpox, frank. You will have to stay home from school for several days “. Frank’s mom called the doctor. The doctor told her about a special lotion that would help the itching frank will have to stay home until the rash is gone.
Frank se despertó con manchas por toda la cara, los brazos y la espalda. Las manchas eran rojas y picaban. Frank le mostró a su mamá la erupción "parece que tienes varicela, Frank tendrá que quedarse en casa por varios días ". La mamá de Frank llamó al médico. El médico le receto una loción especial que ayudaría a Frank, con la picazón, y le recomendó quedarse en casa hasta que desaparezca la erupción.
1.-Where did frank have spots in his body ? 1.- ¿Dónde Frank tenia manchas en su cuerpo?
over his face, his arms and his back-por toda la cara, los brazos y la espalda
over his feet, his arms and his back-por toda sus pies, los brazos y la espalda
over his face, his arms and his hands-por toda la cara, los brazos y sus manos
2.-what two adjectives described the spots ? 2.-¿Qué adjetivos describieron las manchas?
The spots were red and itchy. .Las manchas eran rojas y picaban
The spots were blue and itchy. .Las manchas eran azules y picaban
The spots were not red and itchy. .Las manchas no eran rojas y picaban
3.-What did frank’s mom say that Frank had ? 3.-¿Qué dijo la madre de Frank ?
You will have to stay home from school for several days - Tendrá que quedarse en casa por varios días
You will have to stay home from school for seven days - Tendrá que quedarse en casa por siete días
You will have to stay home from school four seven - Tendrá que quedarse en casa por cuatro días
4.-What is the first thing Frank’s mom does ? ¿Qué es lo primero que hace la madre de Frank?
Frank’s mom called the doctor-La mamá de Frank llamó al médico
Frank’s mom called a nurse -La mamá de Frank llamó a una enfermera
Frank’s father called the doctor- El papa de Frank llamó al médico
5.-What will help Frank with the Itching ? ¿Qué ayudará a Frank con la picazón?
a special lotion that would help the itching- una loción especial que ayudaría a Frank
a special cake that would help the itching- una torta especial que ayudaría a Frank
a special lotion that would help the homework - una loción especial que ayudaría a Frank con la tarea