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I took this picture ____________________ August 9th 1974 . He was saying goodbye ____________________ his cabinet and the White House staff after the 'Watergate' scandal . All his family were standing round him . You can see ____________________ their faces what they were feeling .

In 1989 I was working ____________________ London on a story when suddenly I heard the news that the Russians were planning ____________________ make Berlin an open city . So I got ____________________ a plane . When I arrived ____________________ Berlin many people , young and old , were attacking the wall with stones . The woman ____________________ the photo was shouting " I hate it , I hate it ! "

When I took this photo we were ____________________ a hotel room ____________________ Paris ____________________ 1964 . John and Paul were ____________________ the piano and at first nothing much was happening , but suddenly they became completely focused . First the melody came , and then the words . 'Baby's good to me you know , she's happy as can be you know . . . ' . They were composing their song I feel fine .