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Leadership is all about being granted permission by others to ____________________ their thinking . It is a ____________________ moral authority that gives the right to organize and direct the efforts of others . But moral authority does not come from ____________________ managing people effectively or communicating better or being able to motivate . It comes from many ____________________ , including being authentic and genuine , having ____________________ , and showing a real and deep understanding of the business in question . All these ____________________ build confidence . Leaders lose moral authority for three reasons : they behave ____________________ ; they become ____________________ by self - doubt and lose their ____________________ ; or they are blinded by power , lose self - awareness and thus lose connection with those they ____________________ as the context around them changes . Having said all this , it has to be assumed that if someone becomes a leader , at some point they understood the difference between right and wrong . It is up to them to ____________________ by a moral code and up to us to ensure that the moment we suspect they do not , we fire them or ____________________ them out .