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What is the significance of instinct in business ? Does a reliable ____________________ feeling separate winners from losers ? And is it the most valuable emotional tool any entrepreneur can possess ? My observations of successful company owners lead me to believe that a highly analytical attitude can be a drawback . At critical ____________________ in commercial life , risk - taking is more an ____________________ of faith than a carefully balanced choice . Frequently , such moments require ____________________ and absolute conviction above all else . There is simply no time to wait for all the facts , or room for doubt A computer program cannot tell you how to invent and launch a new ____________________ . That journey involves too many unknowns , too much luck ? and too much ____________________ intuition , rather than the ____________________ logic that machines deliver so well . As Chekhov said : " An artist's ____________________ is sometimes worth a scientist's brains " ? entrepreneurs need right - brain thinking . When I have been considering whether to ____________________ a company and what price to offer , I have been ____________________ too often by ____________________ of ____________________ diligence from the accountants and lawyers_ Usually it pays to stand back from such mountains of grey data and ____________________ up the really important issues ? and decide how you feel about the opportunity _