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Timing is important for revision . Have you noticed that during the school day ____________________ get times when you just don't care any longer ? I don't mean the lessons you don't like , but the ones you find usually find OK , but on some occasions you just can't be bothered with it . You ____________________ have other ____________________ on your mind , be tired , restless , or looking forward to what comes next . Whatever the reason , that particular lesson doesn't get 100 percent ____________________ from you The same is true of revision . Your mental and physical ____________________ are ____________________ . If you try to revise when you are tired or totally occupied with something else , your revision will be inefficient and just about worthless . If you ____________________ it feeling fresh , alert and happy , it will be so much easier and you will learn more , faster . However , if you make no plans and just ____________________ in a little bit of revision when you feel like it , you probably won't do much revision ! You need a revision timetable so you don't keep ____________________ it ____________________ .