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Same - ____________________ marriage was ____________________ in Taiwan last week . This was ____________________ because Taiwan became the first country in ____________________ to do this . In today's main photo , we are able to see a friend ____________________ a couple at their wedding ____________________ . It's lovely to see such support from their friend at a special and ____________________ time in the couple's life together .

In other news , Chinese students at an ____________________ school are competing in a ____________________ competition . We know they are competing at a stadium because we can see part of the ____________________ and field of a stadium . I would like to add that the organisers have kept everything very ____________________ and tidy .

Lastly , in a new photo about old news , we saw a building ____________________ in the US . The building used to be the headquarters of the USA's ____________________ - largest steel maker but that company ____________________ out of business about 12 years ago .