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____________________ from all ____________________ landing ____________________ continues this ____________________ . Hold on , we are just ____________________ . I'm being told we're going to ____________________ this ____________________ to tell you ____________________ news . Breaking now : ____________________ has called an ____________________ press ____________________ . . . General ____________________ , commander in chief of the people's ____________________ army , has announced in an emergency press ____________________ that China is ____________________ down . China is ____________________ that all ____________________ they have ____________________ will be ____________________ immediately with all the other ____________________ sites . Breaking ____________________ ? the Russian armed ____________________ are now revealing the ____________________ they have ____________________ from ____________________ of their ____________________ sites and are looking at ____________________ best way to ____________________ ____________________ this ____________________ . ____________________ from around the ____________________ are sifting through ____________________ received from the ____________________ , Japan , ____________________ Leone and ____________________ . . . . the information they have ____________________ from both of their ____________________ sites , also ____________________ it to be ____________________ of the ____________________ of this puzzle that is being ____________________ put together . ____________________ knowing the ____________________ and where it ____________________ , I ____________________ it . And I welcome every ____________________ of it . Ian , if you could see your whole ____________________ from start to finish , would you ____________________ things ? Maybe I'd say what I ____________________ more often , I don't ____________________ . You know , I've had my ____________________ tilted ____________________ to the ____________________ for as long as I can ____________________ . But you know what ____________________ me the most ? It wasn't meeting ____________________ - it was meeting ____________________ .