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( Some ____________________ or ____________________ into the ____________________ ) IAN AND ____________________ Nice out ____________________ , huh ? Yeah , it's a nice ____________________ . Away from the ____________________ . You know , I was just ____________________ about ____________________ . You approach language like a ____________________ . You know that , ____________________ ? I will take that as a ____________________ . Yeah , well , it ____________________ . As I watch you ____________________ us around these ____________________ traps that I didn't even know ____________________ , it's like , " ____________________ ? " I guess that's why I'm ____________________ . Trust me , you can understand ____________________ and still end up ____________________ . I feel like ____________________ that happens in ____________________ comes down to the ____________________ of us . Yeah , that's a ____________________ thing though , ____________________ ? You and I ? Have you seen the ____________________ that we're ____________________ with ? Thank ____________________ I've got ____________________ ! NEWS BROADCAST ____________________ , the first ____________________ of the ____________________ goes ____________________ . ____________________ ____________________ is a major ____________________ factor at the ____________________ site . So say ____________________ pressure groups . 800 , 000 march on ____________________ to ____________________ the ____________________ ____________________ of the ____________________ . All this , and more special coverage . ____________________ SHOW First ____________________ with whoever it is that is ____________________ that ____________________ , and who's ____________________ the ____________________ ? The ____________________ . That's right , folks , the same ____________________ who ruined our ____________________ and bankrupted our ____________________ . Look at these ____________________ ! Most of them don't even have ____________________ ! We could be ____________________ a full - scale ____________________ . Our ____________________ willing to sit ____________________ and let them ____________________ in and ____________________ our ____________________ . We are falling ____________________ at the ____________________ , people ! You know what I'm ____________________ about . I know you do . What if the ____________________ thing we could do right now would be to give them a ____________________ of ____________________ ? I'm talking about a ____________________ across the ____________________ . What do you ____________________ ? Caller no . , you're on the ____________________ . What do you ____________________ ? AT BASE What's this ____________________ ? ____________________ . Louise ? You all ____________________ ? Yeah . Yeah , I'm ____________________ . I'm not sure it's something i can . . . I can ____________________ . When was your last ____________________ with Dr . ____________________ ? I'm ____________________ . I'm gonna get some ____________________ . I'm okay . All right . I'm ____________________ . Yep . How you ____________________ ? Um . . . I need some ____________________ , but I'm fine . Yeah . You know , I was doing some ____________________ , um , about this ____________________ that if you ____________________ yourself into a foreign ____________________ , then you can actually ____________________ your ____________________ . The Sapir - ____________________ hypothesis . Mm - hmm . The theory that , uh . . . It . . . it's the ____________________ that , uh , the ____________________ you ____________________ determines how you ____________________ and . . . Yeah . It affects how you ____________________ everything . It was , uh . . . I'm ____________________ . . . Are you ____________________ in their ____________________ ? I may have had a few ____________________ , but I don't . . . I don't think that that makes me ____________________ to do this ____________________ . Did you ____________________ ? A little .