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1. Techniques used by succesful advertisers
2. Ways to persuade customers
3. Questions

Promote: Make people know about a product so they want to buy it.

Imply: Suggest that a product or service is good.

Facts and figures: Provide information like numbers and statistics.

The canary islands got their name from which animal?

In which month do the Russians celebrate the October revolution?

How long did the 30 year war last?

Endorse: Personally recomend a product in exchange of payment.

How long did the 100 year last?

Prove: Showing a product or service is good, by providing facts.

Hidden fears: Making people think that having a product will keep them safe.

Testimonials: Using famous people to persuade consumers.

Where are the Chinese goosberries from?

Which country makes the Panama hats?

Snob appeal: Imply that using a product will make people part of an elite group.