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Istanbul, Turkey

Petra, Jordan

Berlin, Germany

Athens, Greece

Alexandria, Egypt

Cusco, Peru

Manhattan, Nueva York

Beijing, China

Is an archaeological and historical city well-known for its water conduit system and rock cut architecture.

Twin Towers were the epicenter of terrorist attacks.

The capital of the legendary Incan Empire.

A center of knowledge in the ancient world. It was home to a vast library of scrolls, one of the largest in ancient times.

The capital of Nazi Germany and it was infamously divided down the middle during the Cold War.

It was known as Constantinople, it was the capital of the Byzantine Empire

The home base of the notorious Ming and Qing Dynasties, as well as the capital under Chairman Mao during the Chinese Communist Revolution.

Played a critical role in shaping philosophy, drama, literature, and science. Its central location made it a hotbed for cultural interchange and commerce.