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Scene ____________________ ( Before ____________________ and first , ____________________ glimpse of the ____________________ ) We're gonna go ____________________ there , and you're gonna ____________________ your ____________________ . Okay . ____________________ ? Okay . ____________________ , move ____________________ ! Alpha detail is in ____________________ . Team is in ____________________ . We're on the ____________________ . ____________________ , Alpha's now in the ____________________ . Setting up ____________________ and ____________________ . Over . So , what happens ____________________ ? They ____________________ . Dr . Banks ? Dr . ____________________ ? You can ____________________ . Scene Nine ( After contact and ____________________ ) . . . in airlock . Do not ____________________ until you have passed the ____________________ door . Do not ____________________ to ____________________ Hazmat ____________________ without ____________________ from authorized ____________________ . Repeat : Hazmat suits without ____________________ from ____________________ personnel . Wait . Just a ____________________ . Just a ____________________ . Clear . All ____________________ Step on ____________________ , please Now ____________________ that . Am I ____________________ ? You're better than the ____________________ guy . That doesn't make me feel any ____________________ . You both have till 2 : 00 ____________________ to ____________________ something out . Okay . What happens ____________________ ? You go ____________________ in . Scene ____________________ ( Scientists working ; ____________________ news report ) ____________________ continues to ____________________ across the US today in the ____________________ of the ____________________ landings . The ____________________ has declared a ____________________ dusk - to - dawn ____________________ after the ____________________ by the ____________________ guard failed to prevent a third night of ____________________ across the ____________________ . In North ____________________ , a ____________________ and forty - ____________________ members of the Saint ____________________ Pentecostal ____________________ are feared ____________________ after they set their ____________________ ablaze . Their ____________________ claims the ____________________ of the ____________________ set in motion a ____________________ that . . . Scene ____________________ ( scientists working in the camp , before ____________________ Contact ) Uh , we're up in ____________________ . You got any new ____________________ ? Yeah , we've been ____________________ ____________________ some of their ____________________ . Where does that ____________________ you ? Well , they play audio ____________________ at us , from an ____________________ source . Audio of ____________________ ? Uh , it's bits of ____________________ from the ____________________ . Random ____________________ of ____________________ . ____________________ , we have ____________________ .