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1 . Walmart is an ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ that runs a chain o large discount departinent stores and warehause stores that operates in varios formats around the word .

2 . The ____________________ of the ____________________ was locating stores in ____________________ ____________________ where residents had few options for retail shopping

3 . Walmart is the ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , according to 2005 Fortune
500 list . It operates over 5 , 000 stores ____________________ and employs over 1 . 6 million people ? ( Frank , 2006 )

4 . ? A ____________________ ____________________ describes the rationale of how an ____________________ delivers , captures and creates value ? ( Osterwalder & Pigneur , 2010 : 3 ) .

5 . Walmart's value proposition is based on ____________________ Everyday ____________________ ____________________ ( EDLP ) . This proposition implies that the customers do not need to wait for sales to have the ____________________ ____________________ possible .

6 . Walmart tends to reach to the mass ____________________ toward ____________________ customisation . Walmart's customers can be divided into three ____________________ : ? brand aspirations ? " price - sensitive effluents ? ? value - price shoppers ? .