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1 . Each gender's unique , special characteristics bring out the best in the other . This is called ____________________ .
2 . Sex is first about our ____________________ as men and women created in God's ____________________ and ____________________ .
3 . The body ? speaks ? a ____________________ that says something about the type of relationship two people share .
4 . ____________________ is the urge to cover up or hide something personal from God , others , or ourselves .
5 . Because of ____________________ , we clothe ourselves , and hat reminds us of something positive .
6 . Our bodies are ____________________ and should be ____________________ from anyone treating us like objects instead of persons with great ____________________ .
7 . ____________________ is not about rules just for the sake of rules ; it is about the very important goal of loving well .
8 . ____________________ is the tendency in all of us to sin .
9 . ____________________ is really important if you want to practice chastity .
10 . The opposite of love is ____________________ .
11 . Lust is ____________________ another person .
12 . Love is a ____________________ . Just like any ____________________ , love takes work , ____________________ , and attention .