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LAW 1352 OF 2013

Work Accidents

Investigation of accident or incident

LAW 1401 OF 2007


Work Incident

LAW 1562 OF 2012

LAW 776 OF 2002


Occupational Diseases

It is a sudden event that happens due to cause or occasion of work, and that produces in the worker an organic injury, a functional or psychiatric disturbance, a disability or death.

Occurrence in the course of work or in relation to it, which had the potential to be an accident, in which there were people involved without suffering injuries or damage

Investigation of incidents and accidents at work

Is the one contracted as a result of exposure to risk factors inherent to the work activity or the environment in which the worker has been forced to work.

Organisms of the Integral Social Security System of the national order, of legal creation, attached to the Ministry of Labor.

Systematic process of determination and ordering of causes, events or situations that generated or favored the occurrence of the accident or incident

It represents the activity of the insurance sector in the surveillance and control entities as well as society in general.

System of labor risks and other provisions in occupational health are dictated

Organization and operation of the Boards of Rating of Disability, and other dispositions are dictated

Rules on the organization, administration and benefits of the general system of occupational risks