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A : Do we need ____________________ else ?
B : Let ? s have a look . We ? ve got ____________________ apples , but there aren ? t ____________________ grapes . And there isn ? t ____________________ coffee , but we ? ve got ____________________ tea .
A : Is there ____________________ orange juice left , or did ____________________ finish it ?
B : There ? s a ____________________ , but there isn ? t ____________________ , so we need ____________________ more .
A : And vegetables ? Have we got ____________________ vegetables ?
B : Well , I can see a ____________________ carrots , but there aren ? t ____________________ onions .
A : Oh , and don ? t forget we need a ____________________ of crisps . My nephews are coming tomorrow .
B : Right , then . I think that ? s everything . Let ? s go ! By the way , how ____________________ money have you got ?