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The House of Representatives is one part of the ____________________ .
In the ____________________ branch the President is the leader .
The ____________________ Court is at the top of the Judicial branch .
The President is advised by the ____________________ which is also the head of the executive departments .
The Legislative branch can ____________________ the President if he / she has done something seriously wrong .
The ____________________ branch interprets laws .
Lawmaking is the ____________________ branch's main job .
The ____________________ branch carries out laws made by the Legislative branch .
The Judicial branch can say laws made by the ____________________ branch do not follow the constitution .
The Legislative branch can ____________________ a veto declared by the ____________________ .
The people who made the constitution decided to create the system of ____________________ and ____________________ to make sure power was not abused .
Judges . high officials , and ambassadors are chosen by the ____________________ branch .
The ____________________ branch is the branch that declares war .
The actions of the Executive branch can be declared unconstitutional by the ____________________ branch .
The ____________________ has two senators from each state unlike the House of Representatives .