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____________________ and ____________________ ,
It seems that every day is now a dedicated 'World Day' for something . Obviously you have those that are more officially recognised but then there's a vast range of World Days that seem , let's say , less serious . For example , I don't know about you , but I'm not too bothered about remembering when 'World Nutella Day' is . With a quick Google search I found out that this week we have 'World Say Something Nice Day' , and 'World Insect Repellent Awareness Day' , whatever that is . Well I've got another date for your diaries .
You , like myself , were probably blissfully unaware that yesterday , the 1st of June marked 'World Plant Milk Day' but I'd like to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ plant milk , and I'm going to ____________________ ____________________ five ____________________ why you should perhaps switch to , or at least try , plant milk .
Plant milk has been consumed for centuries in various cultures , both as a regular drink ( such as the Spanish horchata ) and as a substitute for dairy milk . The most popular varieties include soy milk , coconut milk , almond milk , and rice milk . In my experience , plant milks are now readily available in supermarkets all around the world .
The ____________________ ____________________ why you should drink plant milk is that it's better for the planet . Animal agriculture is the leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions . By switching from dairy milk to a plant - based milk , you can decrease your carbon footprint , as the plant varieties create up to 80% less carbon emissions .
My ____________________ ____________________ to drink plant milk is that it's better for the animals . Just like human beings , cows make milk for their offspring . In order for people to drink dairy products , baby cows are taken away from their mothers . Male calves are then often killed at a few days old . Choosing plant - based milks therefore means that you can help end the suffering of millions of cows and their calves each year .
Now , if you're not convinced by saving the planet or the animals , maybe you'd consider saving yourself . Plant - based milk is better for you . More and more research is debunking the myth that humans need cows' milk . The dairy industry has long promoted the idea that milk is essential for healthy bones . The statistics however do not back this up : the countries with the highest dairy intake are also the ones with the highest levels of osteoporosis . You don't need cow's milk for calcium either ? Good plant - based sources include broccoli , kale , figs , Brazil nuts almonds , and sesame seeds .
My ____________________ ____________________ to drink plant milk is that it's better for your wallet . It's cheap ! Plant - based milk has the added advantage that you can make it yourself ! And it's so easy ! If you want to make rice milk for example , you simply soak the rice overnight and then put it in a blender with water .
Then you can add sweetener and vanilla extract to taste .
My ____________________ ____________________ to drink plant milk is a simple one : it's delicious !
If you'd like to find out more , you can search worldplantmilkday . com . ____________________ ____________________ , with all of the different types of plant milk out there , there's bound to be
one for you , so why not give it a try ?