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Jouer Relier Colonnes

The sentence contains only the /b/ target sound. The /b/ sound can be heard two times.

The sentence contains only the /p/ target sound. The /p/ sound can be heard three times.

The sentence contains only the /p/ target sound. The /p/ sound can be heard two times.

The sentence contains only the /b/ target sound. The /b/ sound can be heard four times.

The sentence contains both the /b/ and /p/ target sounds. The /p/ sound occurs in the middle of a word.

The sentence contains both the /b/ and /p/ target sounds. The /p/ sound occurs at the start of a word.

[Pista de audio]
[Pista de audio]
[Pista de audio]
[Pista de audio]
[Pista de audio]
[Pista de audio]