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1. Fantastic Birth
2. Heroes
3. Mentors to Arthur
4. Amulets - Items of Significance
5. Tests
6. Crossing the Threshold
7. Climax/Supreme Ordeal
8. Elixir
9. Morgan Le Fay As Archetype

Morgan Le Fay

Illegitimate Son


Sir Gawain


King Arthur


The Holy Grail

Given to Merlin at birth

Femme Fatale

The Quest for the Holy Grail


The Round Table

Lady of the Lake

Fight with Pellinore

Battling Mordred to the Death

Becoming King of England

Fight with Mordred

Conflicts with Morgan La Fay

Crossing the bridge Sir Pellinore guarded

Peace for England


Betrayal by Lancelot and Guinevere