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B - Travelling abroad is a valuable learning experience.

F - The World Wide Web can be very useful for research, but it also contains a lot of incorrect information.

A - Supermarkets are the best places to buy food because of their convenience and lower prices.

C - Learning to play a musical instrument is very beneficial for children.

E - More houses should be adapted to use solar energy because it is clean and renewable.

D - Creating and owning a business offers more advantages than working as an employee in a company.

2 ___Despite the challenges, being an entrepreneur can offer more benefits than other types of employment.

5 ___When children are exposed to music and are taught to play instruments such as the piano or violin, there are many positive effects.

1___People can learn many things by travelling to other countries.

3 ___The fact that larger supermarkets offer cheap prices and a large selection of products makes them the best place for shoppers.

6 ___The sun gives a constant, free supply of clean of clean energy, which more homes should take advantage of.

4 ___The World Wide Web gives access to a huge amount of knowledge, but users shouldn't believe everything they read there.