Créer une activité
Jouer Relier Colonnes

Stores & businesses


Scientists & researchers




Sales & marketing

Professional athletes

Doctors & nurses

Juniors & seniors in high school


Administrative assistants and secretaries

Track their stats across various games; identify patterns of strength or weakness; create training plans in order to improve.

Track your personal and family budget; record bills; calculate tax return to make sure you get as much money back from the government as possible!

Create databases of student & family contact information; calculate students grades; create unit plans

Document sales and costs; analyze data to determine what products and advertising strategies are most effective.

Gather data based on scientific experiments; analyze data to learn about patterns, like if a medication is working or not (spreadsheets can do math for you!); make charts and graphs to help explain to other people what they've learned.

Create database of colleges to apply to; create drop-downs that automatically organize list by various factors (like name, date application is due, size of scholarship, etc); automatically color-code whether the due date is coming up so you don't miss any deadlines

Record and organize tour dates; document sales of albums and merch, and costs associated with performing and recording (ex: renting studio space, paying producers, renting performance venues, paying other musicians, etc).

Document cash flows, income statements, balance sheets, and tax returns. Make sure businesses stay profitable by keeping track of all their expenses in a spreadsheet.

Create a database of patient contact information and medical history; calculate dosage for medications based on factors like patient's weight, height, and age.

Track orders and shipments of merchandise; track sales and costs to ensure that you stay profitable (that you're making more money than you are spending!); organize database of sponsors, influencers, and other advertising contacts.

Keep track of all the inventory (items for sale) that are in stock, and track how often new inventory needs to be ordered; track sales to determine which products to sell more of and which to sell less of.

Prepare reports, organize documents, manage records, schedule appointments, keep a record of people to contact (phone calls & emails to return, etc).