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Postmodernism: boundaries between the 'real' world and the media world have collapsed

Steve Neale

Liesbet Van Zoonen

Feminist Theory: The display of women's bodies it a core element of western patriarchal culture. Media can contribute to social change by representing women in non-traditional, non-sexist roles

Narrative share a basic structure, moving from one equilibrium to another

Structuralist theory: meaning is dependent on binary oppositions

Representation theory: Stereotyping reduces people to a few simple characteristics and occurs when there are inequalities of power.

bell hooks

Feminist Theory: Feminism is the struggle to end patriarchal oppression. Western media considers white or pale skinned women to be more desirable


People are not born predisposed to behave in a male or female way. They behave in that way to fit in with society (Gender Performativity)

Genre theory: Repetition & Difference

Stuart Hall


Paul Gilroy

Theories of Identity: The media provides us with the tools we need to construct our own identities.

Jean Baudrillard

Judith Butler

David Gauntlett

Ethnicity & Postcolonial Theory: The idea that civilisation constructs racial hierarchies and sets up binary oppositions based on notions of 'otherness'. Colonial discourses continue to inform contemporary attitudes