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In an ____________________ context the problem for ____________________ is to elaborate some account of language that is relevant to the work of the English teacher . Perhaps the simplest of the ____________________ ____________________ of language , and one of the first to be evolved , is what we may call the instrumental ____________________ . The ____________________ becomes aware that language is used as a means of getting things done . ____________________ as an instrument of control has another side to it , since the ____________________ is well aware that language is also a means whereby others exercise control over him . Closely related to the instrumental ____________________ , therefore is the regulatory model of language . This refers to the use of language to regulatory behavior of others . ____________________ is used to define and consolidate the group , to include and to exclude , showing who is the one of us and who is nor , no impose status , and to contest status that is imposed and humor , ridicule , deception , persuasion , all the forensic and theatrical arts of language are bought into play . The ____________________ was heuristic ____________________ of language derived from his knowledge of how language has enable him to explore his environment . The ____________________ ____________________ it is very easily for the adult , when he attempts to formulate his ideas about the nature of ____________________ , to be simple unaware of most of what language means to the child ; this is not because he no longer uses language in the same ____________________ of different ____________________ , but because only one of these functions in general , is the subject of conscious attentions , so that the corresponding ____________________ is the only to be externalized .