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We are going to write ____________________ from top down . That means , we will ____________________ difficult ____________________ from the very first . You may think that this is ____________________ to be ____________________ . Do not worry , I am there to guide you ! We are going to look at some ____________________ film ____________________ . The piece we will look at ____________________ ? of ____________________ ? to a film other than the one we are going to ____________________ . All ____________________ articles are written with a given word ____________________ in mind . This one is 700 words long . But I ____________________ that if we study the first 375 words ____________________ , and leave the ____________________ 322 for later , we will get a very good idea of what we need to echo in our own ____________________ . ____________________ in our own writing we need ? first , a ____________________ . That will be the film I will ____________________ you to . But ____________________ , we will need to know how . What kinds of words to use from what kinds of ____________________ areas ? And that , of course , is ____________________ ____________________ to be ____________________ difficult for non - native ____________________ . But in fact it will be fine ? ____________________ you do two things which in fact I think you find quite hard ? . ! ____________________ of them involves ____________________ ____________________ : only the ____________________ of old , bad ____________________ . First : follow the teacher's ____________________ , ____________________ . The teacher has ____________________ this ____________________ . Trust the teacher . Second : ____________________ ____________________ , clearly and with love on what is being offered . ____________________ stems from keeping your mind and heart open and alert . It will not be easy . But if you create ____________________ for ____________________ by trying to do other ? ____________________ ? non - ____________________ ? things during our ____________________ you will not only not learn ? but will go some way to ____________________ the delicate ____________________ which I want to try . This ____________________ is not my personal ____________________ . It is an attempt to ____________________ the ____________________ received ____________________ that you must start bottom up and build from the ____________________ to the clouds . On the ____________________ . We start in Heaven ? a ____________________ concept in China and to the Chinese ? and slowly , like a ____________________ dragon , we will ____________________ to earth . If we find we can do this , we are ____________________ to transform both ____________________ and the ____________________ system within which we operate . ____________________ English is dead . It is like the lava of a volcano which erupted at the time of the arrival of the ____________________ in Britain , or ____________________ later . It has ____________________ ; and if you dig it up you will find that it is ____________________ inert . No new ____________________ will flow into your mind from this ____________________ . New English ? based on film ? is , on the other hand , live ; and alive . All our texts are freshly ____________________ , not dating from 1948 , as I noticed on a still - live ____________________ text the other day ! It is like the ____________________ of apple trees in the ____________________ . In the ____________________ , we will eat their fruits !