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Justin :
Let me ____________________ you with that .

Yavor :
Oh thanks .

Justin :
So ____________________ are you from ?

Yavor :
I'm ____________________ Bulgaria .

Justin :
Ahh . What brought you ____________________ the States ?

Yavor :
I was ____________________ in the European office . I had ____________________ there five years , so I asked for a ____________________ and here I am .

Justin :
Sounds like a great ____________________ . What kind of work are you doing ____________________ ?

Yavor :
For now I'm still in ____________________ . But in a ____________________ of weeks I'll be joining the finance ____________________ .

Justin :
How do you ____________________ living here so far ?

Yavor :
It's great . ____________________ is so friendly . People call each ____________________ by their first names . Where I come from things are much more ____________________ .

Justin :
That's interesting . I never thought ____________________ it like that .

Coworker :
Hey Justin ! How's it ____________________ ?

Justin :
Great !

Yavor :
See what I mean .