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Frequency - International




Frequency - United States

Cutaneous melanoacanthoma is generally regarded as rare. Melanoacanthoma was the primary diagnosis in 5 of 500,000 consecutive skin biopsy samples in one series from the United States.

Cutaneous melanoacanthoma develops in males and females with the same frequency.

Cutaneous melanoacanthoma is described more frequently white patients than in others. However, the lesion is rare in all ethnic groups.

In their series of 189 consecutive seborrheic keratoses diagnosed among Spanish patients, Simon et al found that cutaneous melanoacanthoma represented 28% of all seborrheic keratoses. A Korean survey of seborrheic keratoses classified 9.2% of 271 as melanoacanthomas.

Cutaneous melanoacanthoma develops in middle-aged and elderly people. Melanoacanthoma has been described in patients aged 46-81 years, with an average age of 55-65 years.