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Jouer Relier Colonnes

Battle of Saratoga

Atlantic Ocean

Boston Tea Party



French and Indian War

Five Nations

Thomas Jefferson


Salem Witch Trials



Intolerable Acts



Middle Passage

St. Augustine


Mayflower Compact


A group of people’s way of life

A person who wanted to outlaw slavery

Body of water bordering the 13 colonies

When a small group of people become part of a larger culture

In 1692, hysteria swept through Massachusetts

Africans were captured from their homelands and chained together on ships to be sold as slaves in America

Document to govern the Pilgrims and ensure religious freedom

First British settlement in the New World

Cayuga, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, Mohawk

Land and power struggle between France and Britain (1754-1763)

Conquered the Aztec Empire

Turning point of the American Revolution

Sons of Liberty dumped British tea into the Boston Harbor to protest the Tea Act

First Spanish settlement in the New World

Punishments for the Boston Tea Party

Lawmaking government of Britain

German mercenaries hired by the British during the American Revolution

Main writer of the Declaration of Independence

An advanced society with an organized government, complex religions and a written language

Led by William Penn


Thomas Jefferson

St. Augustine


Atlantic Ocean



Intolerable Acts

Salem Witch Trials



Boston Tea Party

Battle of Saratoga


Mayflower Compact


Middle Passage

Five Nations


French and Indian War

In 1692, hysteria swept through Massachusetts

A group of people’s way of life

German mercenaries hired by the British during the American Revolution

First Spanish settlement in the New World

Sons of Liberty dumped British tea into the Boston Harbor to protest the Tea Act

Body of water bordering the 13 colonies

When a small group of people become part of a larger culture

Turning point of the American Revolution

Africans were captured from their homelands and chained together on ships to be sold as slaves in America

Main writer of the Declaration of Independence

Punishments for the Boston Tea Party

Conquered the Aztec Empire

A person who wanted to outlaw slavery

Lawmaking government of Britain

Cayuga, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, Mohawk

An advanced society with an organized government, complex religions and a written language

Led by William Penn

Document to govern the Pilgrims and ensure religious freedom

First British settlement in the New World

Land and power struggle between France and Britain (1754-1763)

St. Augustine

Mayflower Compact

Middle Passage




Thomas Jefferson

Intolerable Acts

Atlantic Ocean

Boston Tea Party



French and Indian War

Five Nations




Battle of Saratoga


Salem Witch Trials

In 1692, hysteria swept through Massachusetts

Main writer of the Declaration of Independence

Conquered the Aztec Empire

Body of water bordering the 13 colonies

Land and power struggle between France and Britain (1754-1763)

When a small group of people become part of a larger culture

Led by William Penn

Cayuga, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, Mohawk

Sons of Liberty dumped British tea into the Boston Harbor to protest the Tea Act

Africans were captured from their homelands and chained together on ships to be sold as slaves in America

An advanced society with an organized government, complex religions and a written language

First British settlement in the New World

First Spanish settlement in the New World

Turning point of the American Revolution

Document to govern the Pilgrims and ensure religious freedom

German mercenaries hired by the British during the American Revolution

A group of people’s way of life

Punishments for the Boston Tea Party

A person who wanted to outlaw slavery

Lawmaking government of Britain