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Constraints and limitations

Step 7: Redesign the Solution


Scientific Knowledge

Step 1: Define the problem

Scientific Method

Step 2: Generate Concepts

Step 4: Construct a prototype

Step 3: Develop a Solution

Step 6: Evaluate the Solution


Step 5: Test the Prototype

Engineering Design Process

Step 8: Present your Solution

A smaller scale representation of the real technology created for experimentation

Steps that scientists use to answer a question that they have about the natural world.

The rules that need to be followed in the design of the technology/project

End product of the scientific method is this

Device built or designed by the engineering process that attempts to solve a problem

Step of the Engineering design process where you... build a smaller version of the your idea

Step of the Engineering design process where you... Identify a question that needs to be solved

Step of the Engineering design process where you... show your final solution somehow to others.

Step of the Engineering design process where you... look at the results of the experiment on how your prototype performed and discern its effectiveness

Step of the Engineering design process where you... Research the concepts surrounding the question by reading, watching videos, and performing experiments

Step of the Engineering design process where you... experiment with your idea to see how it functions/solves the problem

Step of the Engineering design process where you... take what you learned from how your prototype/idea performed and improve it

Step of the Engineering design process where you... come up with a plan to solve the problem. Usually by doing a diagram with labels

the steps that engineers use to design something to solve a problem