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Digestive System Subsystems

Digestive System function

Excretory System Subsystems

Organ System

Muscular System function

Respiratory System function

Muscular System Subsystems

Nervous System function

Circulatory System or Cardiovascular System function

Excretory System function

How is the amount of nutrients in the blood effected by the amount somebody eats. Independent variable?

How is the amount of nutrients in the blood effected by the amount somebody eats. Dependent variable?

Respiratory System Subsystems

How is the amount of nutrients in the blood effected by the amount somebody eats. Controlled variable?

Nervous System Subsystems

Circulatory System or Cardiovascular System Subsystems

System made of the following major organs: skeletal muscles like biceps/triceps, smooth muscles like the organs, and cardiac muscles like the heart

The amount of time

Amount of nutrients in the blood

Subsystem of 2 or more organs that work together to allow the different parts of the body to communicate with one another through nerve impulses.

Subsystem of 2 or more organs that work together to enable movement of the body and internal organs

System made of the following major organs: kidneys, ureters, & bladder

Subsystem of 2 or more organs that work together to transport oxygen, waste, nutrients, hormones, heat, etc... around the body

System made of the following major organs: arteries, veins, heart, and capillaries

System made of the following major organs: mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine

Subsystem of 2 or more organs that work together to remove waste from the body

A group of organs that work together in performing vital body functions.

System made of the following major organs: Brain & spinal cord

Subsystem of 2 or more organs that work together to break down food into absorbable units that enter the blood for distribution to body cells.

How much food somebody eats

System made of the following major organs: nose, trachea, and lungs.

Subsystem of 2 or more organs that work together to bring oxygen into the body and get rid of carbon dioxide.