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The auricle is composed of elastic cartilage with the ____________________ skin attached directly to the perichondrium . It ____________________ to form during week 6 of gestation through consolidation of ____________________ of the mesoderm of the first and second branchial arches , giving rise to the His hillocks . The ____________________ three hillocks are derived from the first arch , the second three from the ____________________ arch . The auricle reaches adult shape ____________________ the week 20 of gestation , but the adult size is not reached ____________________ the age of 9 years .
The EAC begins to form ____________________ week 8 of gestation , when the surface ectoderm of the first pharyngeal groove thickens and grows toward the middle ____________________ . This core of tissue begins to resorb by week 21 of gestation to ____________________ a channel that is complete by week 28 . The canal reaches adult size by the ____________________ of 9 years and ossifies completely by the age of 3 ____________________ . The EAC is related to the mandibular fossa anteriorly , the ____________________ air cells posteriorly , the middle cranial fossa superiorly , and the parotid ____________________ inferiorly .