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No , an aboriginal boy should not be ____________________ of the sound of the didgeridoo .
It is a ____________________ instrument . The men who know how to ____________________ the didgeridoo are very ____________________ people in the aboriginal ____________________ .

By playing the didgeridoo they communicate their wishes to the ____________________ and ask for help in times of need . This brings them closer to the world of their ____________________ and allows them to speak with the god of creation .

Playing a didgeridoo is ____________________ : you need to keep the sound going by ____________________ through the mouth and ____________________ through the nose at the same time .
This is called the technique of ____________________ ____________________ .

Didgeridoos are not made by man . They are made by the ____________________ . ____________________ ____________________ is the kingdom of the ants . They build an intricate web of tunnels in ____________________ ____________________ that can be up to ____________________ meter high keeping the inside temperature ____________________ and the atmosphere ____________________ . They also invade trees and hollow them ,

When an ____________________ tree is 'hollowed' by the ____________________ , it is ready to become a ____________________ .

Normally it is the ____________________ themselves that prepare the instrument : they look for a good size hollowed eucalyptus tree , cut it , peel off the tree ____________________ and clean the inside . It is ready for playing . Later an ____________________ decorates the instrument with ____________________ related to the ____________________ or to endemic animals .