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Set of circumstances in which the image is placed.

Set of rules and procedures that relate significant to meaning.

Sense or symbolism that you want to give a visual message

Its creators were Picasso and Braques. They used neutral tones to create a fourth dimension. He had greater exaltation of the plane and used transparencies

The language of the body is one of the basic forms of human communication since it is used for learning, this is a technique that is used mainly for education and its function or priority activity is to be in movement in a time, a space and with a certain energy.

it is a process of elaboration, transmission and reception of messages through the images

It emerged in Germany and was a means of expressing the anguish suffered by the individual through paintings full of drama, expressive and through the caricature of the figures

Visual content of an image

It emerged as a reaction to impressionism. Its main aspect was the color, the flat and extensive spots

Visual code



Body expression




Visual communication
