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Example of Connective Tissue

Tissues are made of...

The variable that we make different in an experiment is the...

The variable we keep the same is...

Cell structure/shape

Nervous tissue examples

Epithilial tissue examples

Epithilial Tissue General Cell Shape/Structure & Function

Connective Tissue

Nervous Tissue General Cell Shape/Structure & Function

Muscle Tissue General Cell Shape/Structure & Function

Nervous Tissue

Muscle Tissue

Epithilial tissue

Connective Tissue General Cell Shape/Structure & Function

Muscle tissue examples

The variable that we measure in an experiment is the...

brain and spinal cord

dependent (responding) variable

Long and slender like a tree so that electrical impulses can travel along it quickly

Specialized group of similar cells that work together to perform a function

Cartilage, tendon, bone, tendon, blood

Tissue that connect bone (biceps, triceps), cardiac (heart) muscle, and smooth (organ muscles)

independent (manipulated) variable

Type of tissue that transmits nerve impulses throughout the body

controlled variable

A body tissue that provides support for the body and connects all of its parts

Cells that are tightly packed and have a definite top and bottom. The top faces the inside of the body cavity. The arrangement and shape of the cells helps protect the items found within the epithilial tissue.

A body tissue that contracts or shortens, making body parts move.

Covers the body surface and body cavities. Protects the organs and the body from the environment

Contains long straight lines (striated) and long & narrow cells that allow them to pull like a rubber band.

Skin, outer layer of organs, body cavities

Cells floating in gel with spindly fibers that hold together the body parts

The function of every cell is determined by this....